Monday, December 21, 2009

You Can Attract It on FitTalk

You Can Attract It
Steve G. Jones and Frank Mangano

FitTalk featured two good friends of mine, Clinical Hypnotherapist Steve G. Jones and Leading Natural Health Advocate, Frank Mangano to talk about their new Law of Attraction book, You Can Attract It

During the course of the interview, Frank and Steve were very candid and there was so much we talked about in depth which couldn’t be covered in this article.  After reading the highlights of my interview with them, I highly recommend you listen to the podcast by clicking on the player above.

Steve and Frank teamed up to write what is becoming a best selling Law of Attraction book on called You Can Attract It.  There are many aspects to the Law of Attraction.  Mind and spirit are connected to the body and have a lot to do with your health.  When you look at what Steve, Frank and I do, we are all in the business of helping people improve their lives and well being, and, we are also Law of Attraction practitioners.  Once you come to understand how the Law of Attraction affects your life every day, you will understand how it will help improve your life and well being when you learn how to use it.

As an avid Law of Attraction student, I have read many books by some of the top Law of Attraction experts. Steve G. Jones and Frank Mangano have put a new twist on this topic with their book, You Can Attract It. Both share their own personal story of how the Law of Attraction changed their lives and Steve’s background as a hypnotherapist provides great ways towards getting in touch with your subconscious mind to attract what you want.

A healthy, physical body is also important when using the Law of Attraction as the mind is connected to the body. Frank’s background in Natural Health teaches you how your Health plays a big role in attracting what you want, and how you can attract optimal health.

The Law of Attraction is based on science. Steve and Frank go over the science as to how the Law of Attraction works.

If you are a Law of Attraction enthusiast or new to this topic, You Can Attract It
is a must read.

The Law of Attraction and troubled times

I commented to Steve and Frank that the launch of their book is perfect timing being that we are coming towards the end of what has been a year of turmoil for so many people.  There are many people out there who may be experiencing stress, depression, anger, and uncertainty about their lives and about their future.  Most people don’t view these times as an opportunity to reinvent themselves.  It’s all about shifting your thoughts and your vibrational energy to attract what you want and that is what the Law of Attraction is all about.
People are wondering what the solution is to these troubled times.  According to Steve, the solution is doing the opposite of what the media says.  Look inside yourself and find that positive part of yourself and share that with the world and make that your reality and keep the faith. 
Frank stated that “it doesn’t have to be this way.  It is unfortunate that people have experienced turmoil in their lives whether it is financially, relationally or with health issues.”  Through the methods in their new book, You Can Attract It, people will learn what they can do to turn a negative situation into a positive.
Personal Stories
In Chapter One Steve and Frank share their personal stories. I really like how they open up and give the reader a glimpse into their life “before”. 

Steve’s Story

Steve was in a marriage that ended.  Saddened by the demise of his marriage, he decided to wipe the slate clean and traveled across the country from Florida to Los Angeles with only a few hundred dollars and an old van.  Steve rebuilt is life in Beverly Hills and opened what became a successful hypnotherapy practice that attracted a who’s who of some of Hollywood’s top celebrities as clients.  As Steve put it, he built the business, attracted the clients and his career took off.  Steve’s life changed from being down and out, having little or no money and driving across the country in an old van to becoming the hypnotherapist to the stars.  Steve attracted all of this.  He believed in it and he made it happen.

Frank’s Story

Frank had a lot of low paying, dead end jobs and dreaded working for others.  What lead Frank to where he is today and self-publishing his first book is through a situation with his mother who was diagnosed with high cholesterol.  Frank did extensive research and created a program for his mother to follow that would naturally lower her cholesterol and avoid her being on prescription medicine.  Frank was inspired by the success he had helping his mother that he decided that if he can help his mother, he can help many more, thus, self-publishing his first book.
In the meantime, Frank continued working his dead end jobs, but knew his dream was to do research and write about natural health.  The one thing that stood in Frank’s way of realizing his dream was that he was surrounded by negative people who didn’t believe in his goals.
Frank realized that these negative influences were getting in his way and made the choice to distance himself from these people.  Once he did that, things started happening for him.
**Frank’s biggest piece of advice is that you must rid yourself of any negativity in your life because it will stand in your way and hold you back. **

What is The Law of Attraction
Everything in this world is energy.  We are energy and everything around us is energy. The Law of Attraction is very much about energy and getting into the same vibrational frequency as the things you want.  To some, this may sound a bit new agey and out there, but understanding this is a big part of learning how to make the Law of Attraction work for you. 

I asked Frank to explain his definition of The Law of Attraction.  According to Frank, essentially, you attract what you think about most.  To make the Law of Attraction work more efficiently for you, you need to rid yourself of limiting and negative thoughts. 
You Can Attract It provides you with the process, or plan of action, to help you attract what you want in your life.  Frank briefly outlined the 6 step process he and Steve provide you with in their book, You Can Attract It.
Step 1 – Change the Negative into a Positive

Step 2 – Know What You Do Not Want

Step 3 – Know What it is You Do Want

Step 4 – Ask For What You Want

Step 5 – Allow What You Want Into Your Life

Step 6 – Receive It, Enjoy It, Be Thankful For It, Surround Yourself With It
Steve had a different explanation of what the Law of Attraction is.  We are energy and the Law of Attraction is all about the energy or vibration we put out.  The vibrations we put out over and over again become a pattern, reinforcing the vibrations you put out to the Universe which is really at the heart of the Law of Attraction.
Steve’s analogy of the vibrations we put out are like waves or ripples; kind of like when you throw a pebble into a pond, you will see waves or ripples start to ripple out in a pond.  These ripples can be negative or positive thoughts.  The thing in the pond that resonates with those ripples will be attracted to it.
You can use this theory to your advantage and put out positive ripples attracting positive people, situations and creating a positive support group.
Initially, when you say the word abundance to someone, they instantly think of financial wealth as abundance, however, abundance is much more than that.  In this chapter, Steve provides an abundance script.  This is where Steve’s background as a hypnotherapist adds a twist to The Law of Attraction that I have not seen in other books on this topic.

Hypnotherapy comes into play to overcome your stumbling blocks that prevent your from attracting the things your really want.  Many of us create walls that prevent us from going through them.  As Steve put it, hypnotherapy helps you drive a tank through those walls so that you can attract the things you want that will add abundance to your life.

The human body truly is a temple and when mind, body and spirit are acting synergistically, you feel good and you are emitting positive emotions and vibrations to The Universe.  Good Health is vital when it comes to attracting the things you want.  When your health and fitness is not up to par, it affects you physically and emotionally and you are not in a positive vibration.  Going back towards changing your mindset from negative to positive, if you are always in a negative vibration, it does affect your health.

As a leading natural health advocate, Frank provides some very detailed information about health in this chapter.  During my interview about the Law of Attraction and Health, Frank talked about some of the recent scientific studies on brain imaging and they have discovered mirror neurons.  What this means is that humans mirror the behavior of the object or person they are observing.  This applies to the Law of Attraction.  If we hang around people who are active, healthy, like to exercise, that will have an affect on us.  Surrounding yourself with people who have healthy habits will rub off on you so to speak.

Steve provides a detailed “health script” to reprogram your mind for optimal health.  Many people want to improve their health, however, when it comes to taking the right action, they need to take that action and turn it into a healthy habit.  They will find that difficult to make excuses as to whey they didn’t eat as healthy and nutritiously as they should, or why they didn’t exercise, etc.  The mind and body need to be reminded of what to do and again, this is where Steve’s background as a hypnotherapist helps the reader.
**Frank emphasized that you need to take action.  This goes beyond just positive thinking**

So now we’re going to get to the part that everyone is interested in when it comes to the Law of Attraction.  How do I attract the money or as Tom Cruise was yelling into the phone in Jerry Maguire….”Show me The Money”.  Wealth is a whole other mindset.  I also think that people may not realize the negative inner conversation they have with themselves when it comes to wealth.  For instance, when you’re on the highway and you see someone driving an expensive car or you pass a nice house and you think to yourself “Must be Nice” with a sarcastic undertone, which is an example of having a negative inner conversation with yourself about Wealth and Wealthy people. 

Steve spoke about Wealth and told me that the concept of wealth has become distasteful and to many it’s the haves and have not mindset.  This thought process stems from the connotation of limitations in the Universe.  People who focus on “lack of and not having” will always lack and not have.  Those who focus on opportunity will attract and create the people, places and events that will provide them with the opportunity to attract wealth.  Look for the possibilities and you will see that abundance around you.  The world is an abundant orchard and there are plenty of apples available for the picking.  If you don’t believe that, then you won’t see that you are standing in the middle of the apple orchard.
**Steve’s take away message – To achieve wealth you need to believe in yourself and will help you rise like a Phoenix out of the ashes.**
Frank added to that by saying “Limiting beliefs will be the obstacle that will hinder your efforts towards using the Law of Attraction to attract what you want, including wealth.  True wealth is about having it all.”
Another topic I feel is important are the relationships you have with people and this is not just about romantic relationships.  It’s the friends you attract, the business associates you attract and yes, romantic relationships and relationships you have with loved ones

According to Frank, attracting relationships is not about attracting a specific person, but a type of person.  You need to know what it is in detail, what type of person you are looking to attract not only in your romantic /personal relationships, but in your business relationships as well.  If you focus on the type of person you want to attract in detail, then you will attract that relationship.
Steve stated that you need to have a clear vision of what you want.  When it comes to relationships, all too often we focus on what we don’t want or what we don’t like.  The Universe will think that’s what you do want and will keep delivering what you don’t want to you.
Your relationships are a litmus test of what you attract.  To improve on an existing relationship, focus of the positive aspects of it rather than the negative.
I asked Frank and Steve what success means to them and how can someone use the Law of Attraction to attract more success in their lives.

For Frank, the meaning of true success means living an abundant life and it’s not only about the money, although it does play a role, but it’s only one piece of it.  Success to Frank does mean being financially independent, being physically and emotionally healthy, and having good relationships.  That’s the meaning of true success.

If someone is looking to attract true success into their life, they need to evaluate their life and write down exactly what area of their life they need to be more successful in and start working on that area of their life.  Focus your energy and attention of that, and take action to get to your goal.  Be specific with what you want to be successful with. Surround yourself people who have achieved the same goals you are looking to achieve.

For Steve, success means being able to help people at greater level.  In the beginning, Steve was only able to help a few people, but now the internet, TV, etc., he is able to help thousands of people with product promotions at a price people can afford.  Financial abundance is a by product of success.  The money is just a by product of being able to help people by providing a service to them. 
Being able to help as many people as possible.  It’s not about money, but it is a by product of having that ability.
Steve believed that he could be of service to a lot people and the he would be able to sustain himself from doing this.  Believing that you will be OK if you follow your heart and trust it, that is how you can use the Law of Attraction to create the life you want.
Your lifestyle has a lot to do with what you attract and no one knows this better than Frank Mangano.  If you’re not eating healthy foods, not exercising and possibly smoking, what kind of signal are you putting out to attract back to you?  If you aren’t eating properly, you’re sending the signal that you don’t want a healthy body.  If you’re not exercising, you’re sending out the signal that you don’t care about your body.

If you’re looking to improve your overall health, clean up your lifestyle.  By cleaning up your lifestyle, you are clearing the negative signals and you will attract better health.  Your lifestyle habits are going to play a tremendous role in the Law of Attraction process.  Health has everything to do with the Law of Attraction.
Hypnosis certainly does play a large role in getting the Law of Attraction to work for you.  Hypnosis talks to the subconscious mind.  It is the subconscious mind that creates all kinds of resistance, self sabotage and negative inner conversations that prevent you from attracting what you want.  Steve is certainly the master in the field of hypnotherapy and there is a chapter devoted to this. 

We can hypnotize ourselves all day, every day.   When we talk to ourselves in a certain way, we hypnotize our selves.  Affirmations are vital.  If you have people around you saying “you can do it”, that’s an affirmation.  If you tell yourself “you can do it”, that’s an affirmation and that’s hypnosis.
A lot of hypnosis that happens to us, whether you believe in it or not, happens from ourselves, and our good friends believing in us or doubting our possibilities.  We need to be very aware of what programs us, even though we’re wide awake.

According to Steve, being under our own control can be a lot worse than being under the control of a hypnotherapist’s control.  We have thoughts in our minds that tell us we can’t do this or we don’t deserve this.

Steve teaches you how to program yourself in the book.  Steve’s take away message is that you hypnotize yourself every day and you surround yourself with people every day that have an influence on you and you have an influence on yourself.
Hypnosis is a very easy state to achieve.  All you have to do is relax yourself.  Close your eyes and relax yourself and tell yourself positive affirmations.
Formal hypnotherapy can be more elaborate with induction, a deepening, a script – the affirmations/positive programming – however, with a hypnotherapy session, you’re dealing with the subconscious mind, and the affirmations take effect within a shorter period of time.  Then there is the “amnesia technique” which is designed for you to forget everything that’s in your mind.  The reason for the amnesia technique is that people will second guess themselves.  For example, their mind will tell them, “I know the hypnotherapist told me I’m great, but so and so said I wasn’t so I think the hypnotherapist may be wrong”.  The amnesia technique bypasses that critical factor that undoes everything.
The end of the hypnotherapy session is called Transtermination where the hypnotherapist brings you out of hypnosis.

Steve’s takeaway message ** We can hypnotize ourselves in our daily lives, so be sure to surround yourself with positive people, positive things, positive suggestions, so that we can have hypnosis work for us in a positive rather than negative way.**

There is so much more material in You Can Attract it which also goes into more detail than was covered in the interview.  
For more information about Steve G. Jones, you can visit his website :

For more information about Frank Mangano, you can visit his website

Click here to order your copy of You Can Attract It. 

(note: the links posted on this page are sponsored links, however, I do stand by my recommendations.)

Holiday Food Survival Tips

Are you committing Holiday Food gluttony? Is it difficult for you to just say no? Will you find yourself in a Holiday food coma?

No doubt, this is the time of year to eat, drink and be merry. Is it possible to enjoy the holidays and not go into food gluttony?

With that, I bring you my Holiday Food Survival Tips.

Holiday Food Survival Tip #1. Exercise to burn excess calories. The reason why most of us gain weight this time of year is that we are consuming more calories than we are burning. Overindulging will not only increase your weight, but will also zap your energy levels leaving you lethargic and sluggish. Exercise will not only help you feel better physically and mentally, but it will also make you feel more energetic.

Holiday Food Survival Tip #2 - Drink lots of water throughout the day every day to help flush excess sodium in holiday foods. Many of the foods you eat either in restaurants or parties are going to be loaded with sodium. Excess sodium makes your body retain water like a sponge, which makes you feel bloated. Try to avoid high sodium foods and drink water throughout the day and night.

Holiday Food Survival Tip #3- Do not skip breakfast. People skip breakfast and other meals to help "make room" for the upcoming feast or with the thought process that if they cut back the calories in skipped meals, that they won't be consuming as many calories at their holiday event. Wrong. The opposite ends up happening. You end up consuming more calories during the 1 big meal. By the time you get to your holiday event, you are so hungry and the aroma of food becomes so overwhelming that you end up eating more.

Holiday Food Survival Tip #4 - Have a healthy snack such as protein shake, yogurt or salad 1 hour prior to your holiday party or dinner. You won't be as hungry and won't over indulge.

Holiday Food Survival Tip #5 - Use a smaller plate and pile on the veggies and protein. If you use a smaller plate and pile fill 1/2 your plate with vegetables and lean protein, you will have less room on your plate for the "bad stuff" and will be consuming fewer calories.

Holiday Food Survival Tip #6- Don't deprive yourself, however, limit your intake of sweets, for example, have one cookie or a sliver of cake/pie. One thing I do is I will have a "taste" of some of the desserts. I will choose 3 desserts and take a tablespoon size portion of my 3 choices allowing me to "taste" without actually eating 3 desserts.

Holiday Food Survival Tip #7- Walk away from the dinner and buffet table once you have finished eating to avoid unnessary, excessive snacking. Even though you've eaten a full meal, by hanging around the dinner table or buffet table, we tend to keep on eating, simply because the food is there. If you are having a conversation with someone, suggest to that person that you continue the conversation in another room.

I hope these tips help you survive the holiday season with minimal waist line damage.

Wishing you good health this holiday season,

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Law of Attraction and Health

Your Health, Fitness and the Laws of Attraction
The world is a crazy place and we are all being inundated with negativity these days through the media. Every day all you hear about is the economic crisis, job layoffs, government bailouts of huge corporations, rising gas prices, and home foreclosures. Perhaps you may or may not be one of the hundreds of thousands of people affected by these events. The news and the current times are scary, depressing and stressful and these events can put you as an individual into a negative vibration where you will be attracting negativity into your life.
It doesn’t have to be this way and this is the time to look at this as an opportunity to reinvent yourself. Well, one way to do that is to get “clear” on what it is you really want and to dig deep inside of what it is you are passionate about and what your purpose is to create your reality, the life you want.

What do I mean by reinventing yourself. Let’s say you’re unemployed and you’re feeling bad about it on so many different levels and you are home all the time, feeling lazy physically and mentally. You’re not able to think clearly and see this as a time of opportunity. This country was built on entrepreneurs because they were able to see opportunity and stay in a positive mindset. Now is the time to pursue your passion.

Here’s a true story. I have a very close friend of mine whose wife divorced him and a month later lost his job last year and spent the year trying to find work through traditional methods. To help get himself through this difficult time, he went to the gym every day and always stayed in a positive frame of mind and his health and fitness was the best it had ever been in his 40+ years. My friend never found a job, and the unemployment ran out, but you know what, he reinvented himself. From spending time in the gym and getting to know the people who worked there, he found his passion and saw an opportunity. He became a fitness professional and is now employed. This also allows him to pursue his other passion as an actor and model.

You really need to get “clear” and let go of all limiting beliefs which causes resistance. Your Temple, the precious human body, and it’s health, fitness and wellness is at the core or center of getting clear within yourself of what your passion and or purpose is. If your health, fitness and wellness is not up to par, it becomes difficult to get “clear” of what it is you want and attract the things you want.

Poor health or self image makes it hard to feel positive about things because you feel so bad physically and emotionally. If you are lethargic all the time, feeling unmotivated or unproductive because your energy levels are low, it makes it hard to focus and concentrate on the things you really want. If you look at yourself in the mirror and are not happy with the image you see, it affects your self-confidence making you feel you are unworthy of things. Your mind is cluttered with negativity.

Exercise releases “endorphins” which is a chemical in the brain that is responsible for putting you in a positive mood. It’s almost as if you’ve taken a “happy” pill. Another chemical that is released from exercise is Serotonin which helps combat depression.

The foods you eat can impact the way you feel. Foods that are processed and are high in sodium and fats can make you feel sluggish and bloated or can cause heartburn or indigestion in some cases turning us into “couch potatoes”. When you start to feel bad physically, in turn, you feel bad emotionally and mentally, which again, does not put you in a positive frequency. There are simple things you can do such as reaching for an apple instead of chips.

You talk to just about anyone out there, next to wanting to be financially abundant, the number one thing people want to is to lose weight, feel better and look better. But when you talk to people and ask them what they are doing about it, chances are they aren’t doing much of anything. And it’s not like they don’t know what it is they have to do to make improvements in this area. When you ask them why they aren’t doing anything to make the improvements they want, they will come up with all kinds of excuses. The excuses are forms of RESISTANCE. No body truly desires to be overweight, obese, lethargic, sick. Yet, we all know that being sedentary, sitting on the couch in front of the “plug in drug” with a bag of chips or getting your next meal from the drive thru of your nearest burger chain, is only going to continue to contribute to weight gain and a decline in your overall health, fitness and wellness. So why do people RESIST making better food choices or getting off the couch and exercising? Because it’s easier to stay in your holding pattern. To not step outside your comfort zone. It’s comfortable and familiar even though you know deep down it’s wrong and it’s not what you want.

Getting started isn’t easy, but once you get started, you’ll start to feel better. You’re not going to see results overnight, but mentally you will start to feel better and if you are feeling better mentally, that will put you in a positive vibration. It doesn’t have to be anything complicated. The simple act of getting outside and walking or running is a good starting point or doing simple bodyweight exercises that require no equipment. I know when I’m exercising, it’s almost like a form of meditation for me and I start getting inspired thought which gets me clear and focused on what I want. As a matter of fact, I recently got an inspired thought and I am once again reinventing myself within my profession and I am sooooo excited about it that my clients are feeding off my excitement and enthusiasm.

When you start feeling better physically and emotionally, you start to feel better mentally. You are more confident, happy, energetic and people are drawn to that “feel good” energy. You are able to get “clear” of the things you really want making it easier to attract the things you want through the people you interact with and take inspired action. Aaahhhh, inspired action. How refreshing. Actually doing something about what you want as opposed to just talking about it. Not living your life as a “what if”. And it all started with something as simple as taking care of YOUR Temple, your precious human body.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Got Pain? Lose The Back Pain with the 7Day Back Pain Cure

This is a follow up to a review I posted on this book back in October The 7 Day Back Pain Cure.

I just heard from my friend, Jesse Cannone, author of The 7 Day Back Pain Cure and wanted to get this information to you ASAP. Back in October, Jesse was giving away FREE copies of his book. All you needed to do is pay a small shipping fee and a portion of your shipping fee is donated to one of two charities - Habitat for Humanity or St. Jude's Children's Hospital. You choose the charity.

The response to his offer was so overwhelming that he ran out of books. Keeping within the spirit of giving during the Holiday Season, Jesse has gotten more books in stock and is once again, giving away FREE copies of the book. As with the last give away, all you do is pay a small shipping fee and a portion of your shipping fee is donated to charity. Knowing how quickly he ran out of books the last time, you can grab your FREE copy by clicking here :

I do own this book and I reviewed it on my blog site back in October. Click here to read my review -------> 7 Day Back Pain Cure

If you know of anyone who suffers from back, neck, sciatica this would make for an excellent gift and I'm sure they will thank you for it.

Yours in Health and Fitness,

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Exercise: The Best Medicine For Your Health

When it comes to your health, Exercise is the best medicine. Study after study consistently promotes the endless benefits of exercise. Couch potatoes everywhere are waiting for the other shoe to drop, telling us that all of those scientists were wrong and we should remain as sedentary as possible.

Here is a list of illnesses and how regular exercise can help improve your health and quality of life:

  • Anxiety. Exercise triggers the release of mood-altering chemicals in the brain.
  • Arthritis. By forcing a skeletal joint to move, exercise induces the manufacture of synovial fluid and helps to distribute it over the cartilage and to force it to circulate throughout the joint space.
  • Back Pain. Exercise helps to both strengthen the abdominal muscles and the lower back extensor muscles and stretch the hamstring muscles.
  • Cancer Prevention Studies have shown those who exercised the most (5-6 hours per week) were 24 percent less likely to develop the disease than those who exercised the least (less than 30 minutes per week).
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Exercise helps build up the muscles in your wrists and forearms— thereby reducing the stress on your arms, elbows, and hands.
  • Cholesterol. Exercise will raise your level of HDL (the "good" cholesterol) in the blood and help lower your level of LDL— the undesirable lipoprotein.
  • Depression. Exercise helps speed metabolism and deliver more oxygen to the brain; the improved level of circulation in the brain tends to enhance your mood.
  • Diabetes. Exercise helps lower excess blood sugar levels, strengthen your muscles and heart, improve your circulation, and reduce stress.
  • Eye Health Vigorous exercise has now been linked with significantly reduced onset of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration
  • Fatigue. Exercise can help alleviate the fatigue-causing effects of stress, poor circulation and blood oxygenation, bad posture, and poor breathing habits.
  • Headaches. Exercise helps force the brain to secrete more of the body's opiate-like, pain-dampening chemicals (e.g., endorphins and enkephalins).
  • Heart Disease. Exercise helps promote many changes that collectively lower your risk of heart disease— a decrease in body fat, a decrease in LDL, an increase in the efficiency of the heart and lungs, a decrease in blood pressure, and a lowered heart rate.
  • High Blood Pressure. Exercise reduces the level of stress-related chemicals in the bloodstream that constrict arteries and veins, increases the release of endorphins, raises the level of HDL in the bloodstream, lowers your resting heart rate (over time), improves the responsiveness of your blood vessels (over time), and helps reduce your blood pressure by keeping you leaner.
  • Insomnia. Exercise helps reduce muscular tension and stress.
  • Memory Problems. Exercise helps to improve your cognitive ability by increasing the blood and oxygen flow to your brain.
  • Menstrual Problems and PMS. Exercise helps to control the hormonal imbalances often associated with PMS by increasing the release of beta-endorphins.
  • Osteoporosis. Exercise promotes bone density— thereby lowering an individual's risk of suffering a bone fracture.
  • Overweight Problems. Exercise suppresses your appetite, increases your metabolic rate, burns fat, increases lean muscle mass, and improves your level of self-esteem.

When it comes to your health, study after study proves exercise is the medicine. Get off the couch today and “Get Your Workout On!”

Contact me to get yourself on the right path today towards better health.

Obesity - The New Norm

Here’s quite a reality check - I am considered to be abnormal. How? I am fit, healthy, and have a lower body fat to muscle ratio. What is the "norm"? Sadly, being overweight or obese has become the "norm" and until we reverse this trend, it is going to cost us.
43 percent of Americans will be overweight or obese by 2018, and the nation will spend $344 billion to address health-related problems.

The Fat Gap, a new term coined by British researchers, refers to a discrepancy between how people see themselves and the number on the scale. What constitutes being overweight or obese is now considered the “norm” because those around us--friends, family and colleagues—are overweight or obese.

In a British study reported September 23, 2009, in the Telegraph, only one person in 10 identified themselves as being obese, when in fact one in four was obese (roughly 30 or more pounds overweight). The result, people are unaware they are obese because being fat is now seen as the 'norm'. This lack of awareness places individuals at risk for medical problems triggered by obesity.

In Carole Carson’s article on this subject in the Huffington Post, Weight Loss: The Fat Gap, Generation Gap And Appetite Gap, she writes “Lest you think I am judging these individuals for their lack of self-awareness, I hasten to add that when, at five feet one inch, I tipped the scales at 183 pounds, I did not see myself as obese. Even though I was 60 pounds overweight, I saw myself as slightly pudgy. Besides, I didn't think I looked any worse than the people around me. I was trapped in the fat gap and was in the 90th percentile for risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes. If I hadn't lost weight and got fit, I would likely have become disabled or died.”

Dr. Nick Yphantides, author of My Big Fat Greek Diet says, "you have to change the way you see before you can change the way you look, and this certainly applies to how we see ourselves."

So, why are we becoming a society of “fat people”. Processed/junk foods that are part of the average person’s diet was not around in the 1920’s or 1930’s. Many of the high calorie foods we eat have been scientifically engineered to appeal to our love of foods that are sweet, salty and fatty. These high calorie foods go down fast and we never have a sense of satiety. If food doesn't trigger a sense of having eaten enough, individuals keep eating even though they may already have consumed more calories than required to maintain their weight.

Not only are we consuming foods that have little or no nutritional value, we are also unknowingly consuming more calories. To add more gasoline to this fire, most people are what has become known as couch potatoes, therefore, not burning/utilizing the calories we consume.

As Carole Carson stated in her article, “We have choices, and we must make them in full knowledge that our future is at stake. If we want to enjoy longer, healthier lives and reduce our burgeoning medical expenses, we'll have to find or create ways to close the gaps.”

The answer to all of this is very simple, but is too hard and complex for most people. Be aware of the foods you eat. Before your order a meal, ask yourself if what you are choosing to eat is healthy and good for your body. Healthy, nutritious foods aren’t bland and boring. Be aware of how much food you consume in a sitting. Get off the couch and exercise. The human body was not designed to be sedentary, and the fact that we are going against nature, is costing us dearly not only in our own personal health, but as a country.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

You Can Attract It

My good friends Steve G. Jones and Frank Mangano have co-authored a new book about the Law of Attraction called "You Can Attract It".

As an avid Law of Attraction student, I have read many books by some of the top Law Of Attraction experts. Steve G. Jones and Frank Mangano have put a new twist on this topic with their book,
You Can Attract It. Both share their own personal story of how the Law Of Attraction changed their lives and Steve’s background as a hypnotherapist provides great ways towards getting in touch with your subconscious mind to attract what you want.

A healthy, physical body is also important when using the Law Of Attraction as the mind is connected to the body. Frank’s background in Natural Health teaches the reader how your Health plays a big role in attracting what you want, and how you can attract optimal health.

The Law of Attraction is based on science. Steve and Frank go over the science as to how the Law of Attraction works.

If you are an LOA enthusiast or new to this topic,
You Can Attract It is a must read.

(Note: The above link is a sponsored advertisement. I did read the book, You Can Attract It and I stand by my recommendation of this book.)

Fitness Game Plan - Got Game?

Got Game?
When it comes to fitness, do you got game? More specifically, do you have a "game plan"?

A fitness "game plan" can help make your workout experience go from ho hum to rockin'. A fitness "game plan" gives your workouts focus, a sense of purpose, keeps you motivated, and challenges you.

What is a fitness "game plan"? It's knowing exactly what exercises you're going to do and how many reps/sets of each exercise. A fitness professional can provide you with a fitness game plan that will challenge you and help keep you motivated and accountable.

I personally never hit the gym without my fitness "game plan". I know exactly what I need to do and it helps me challenge myself.

Your Fitness Game Plan

If you are working out on a regular basis, how often do you switch up your workouts? A lot of people who are in my gym have been doing the same exercise routine for YEARS. They still look the same; their bodies haven’t changed at all. Not only that, I’ve yet to see them sweat during their workouts.

If you continue doing the same workout for months or years, all you are doing is maintaining. Your body is not being challenged and therefore you won’t get the results you’re looking for. I don’t know about you, but if I went to the gym and kept doing the same workout, I’d get bored.

If you have a game plan you’ve been following for an extended period of time, perhaps you should consider changing things up. You’ll feel challenged, more motivated and, you’ll get better results.

The clients I work with on line and in person are constantly challenged as I keep changing up their workouts preventing the body from plateau, while continuously improving their strength, endurance, flexibility and over all fitness.

If you need help switching up your workouts to get results, stay motivated and challenged, most fitness professionals can work with you in person or on line.

Need a fitness "game plan"? Contact me. I can provide you with a plan regardless of where you live.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Fitness and Cognitive Development in Young Adults

Exercise is essential for brain health, not only for adults, but for children as well. Latest study suggests that Young Adults Who Exercise Get Higher IQ Scores. The study shows a clear link between good physical fitness and better results for the IQ test.

Being fit means that you also have good heart and lung capacity and that your brain gets plenty of oxygen. Youngsters who improve their physical fitness between the ages of 15 and 18 increase their cognitive performance.

Physical Education has an important place in schools, and is an absolute must if we want to do well in math and other theoretical subjects. Study shows those who were fit at 18 were more likely to go into higher education, and many secured more qualified jobs.

The mind and body truly is connected. A Fit Body is not only a Healthy body, but a healthy mind & brain. Get your workout on!

University of Gothenburg (2009, December 3). Young adults who exercise get higher IQ Scores. ScienceDaily. Retrieved December 3, 2009, from

The Obesity-Migraine Connection

Overweight people who are between the ages of 20 and 55 may have a higher risk of experiencing migraine headaches, according to a study presented at the American Academy of Neurology.

The study found that age, gender and the way that body fat is distributed affected the risk of migraine. Those who were 20 to 55 years of age and who had larger waistlines were more likely to have migraine attacks, on average, than people of the same age who had smaller waistlines.

About 37 percent of women between the ages of 2 to 55 who had excess fat around the belly reported migraine, compared to 29 percent without excess belly fat.

In men 20 to 55 years old, 20 percent of those with abdominal obesity reported migraine as compared to 16 percent of those without abdominal obesity. However in women 20 to 55 years of age with excess belly fat, the odds of migraine went up 1.3 times after adjusting for heart disease risk factors and for total body obesity.

"These results, while still in the early stages, suggest that losing weight in the stomach area may be beneficial for younger people who experience migraine and especially so for women," said study author B. Lee Peterlin, DO, of Drexel University College of Medicine in Philadelphia, PA, and a member of the American Academy of Neurology.

"Men and women have body tissue distributed in different ways. After puberty women show more fatty tissue deposits in the hip and thigh area while men predominantly have more fatty tissue in the belly region. After menopause, women show more fatty tissue in the belly area as well. For some diseases, including heart disease and diabetes, excess fat around the waistline appears to be a stronger risk factor than total body obesity," Peterlin said.

Source: American Academy of Neurology (2009, February 13). Have Migraine? Bigger Waistline May Be Linked. ScienceDaily. Retrieved November 30, 2009, from­ /releases/2009/02/090212161812.htm

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Your Food: Is It Making You Sick?

Earlier this year, a documentary was released in theatres across the country called Food, Inc. This documentary is an in depth look at the food industry and how the foods we eat have been compromised and monopolized by the major players in the food industry. We are become sicker and fatter all in the name of cheap, easy, quick food.

Food safety is also becoming a concern. More and more we are hearing news stories about foods such as beef, peanuts, spinach, etc. being recalled for e-coli contamination. The use of pesticides are also endangering our health.

It’s obvious I’m a health conscious person and my diet has been void of processed foods for many years, however, after seeing this documentary, I have taken my eating habits one step further by making sure that the fruits and vegetables I eat are pesticide free, and that the beef, fish and poultry I eat are not coming from industrialized food companies, but rather from local farms that aren’t owned by one of the big food companies.

I believe it's good to be informed on the topics covered in this movie so that you can make better food choices. I will say that one of the myths out there (which is talked about in the movie) is that most people choose not to eat healthy simply becuase it's too expensive. Actually, that's not the case if you know how and where to shop.

For many years, I have been shopping in the major supermarket chains. I shied away from Whole Foods simply because I was under the impression that it was too expensive to shop there. Was I wrong! As a matter of fact, my grocery bills are less since I switched over to buying my foods from Whole Foods. All my fruits and vegetables are organic, animal products I purchase are fed grass, not grain and they are free of antibiodics, hormones and other chemicals that industrialized livestock are fed. So it is possible to eat economically healthy.

To get an idea of what the documentary is about, check out the Food Inc. movie trailer

Time Magazine published an in depth article about this topic titled Getting Real About the High Price of Cheap Food.

This documentary is definitely worth seeing not only for your health, but for the health of those you love.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Exercise and Smoking Studies

For all you smokers out there, new study shows that Exercise Makes Cigarettes Less Attractive To Smokers.

Research from the University of Exeter reveals for the first time, that changes in brain activity, triggered by physical exercise, may help reduce cigarette cravings. Published in the journal Psychopharmacology, the study shows how exercise changes the way the brain processes information among smokers, thereby reducing their cravings for nicotine.

The study adds weight to a growing body of evidence that exercise can help manage addiction to nicotine and other substances. It backs up previous studies, which have shown that just one short burst of moderate exercise can significantly reduce smokers' nicotine cravings.

Studies have also shown that a single session of light to moderate intensity exercise, for example 5 -15 minutes of brisk walking, can reduce cravings and responses to smoking cues. It is not clear if longer or more vigorous bouts of exercise have a bigger effect. This study adds to the growing evidence that exercise can be a great help for people trying to give up smoking.

For those of you who are smokers and are working out, a study has shown that smokers’ muscles tire much more quickly than those of non-smokers, irrespective of how many cigarettes they smoke per day or how long they have smoked. Smoking has an immediate effect on muscles, possibly as a result of the reduced oxygen suppply and oxygen deficiency in the muscle due to substances in cigarette smoke.

Quitting the habit
It’s no secret that cigarettes are very damaging to your health and is an expensive habit. Many people who look to quit this unhealthy, addicting habit turn to products on the market to help people quit smoking, which deliver nicotene to the body. Although you aren't inhaling nicotene, you're still putting a chemical into the body that doesn't belong there in the first place. Surprisingly, to my knowledge, no studies have been done regarding any possible health issues from using Nicorette for long periods of time.

Even though the nicotine levels in the stop-smoking product is lower than in cigarettes, there could be an addictive component to its use in some individuals. Some people experience withdrawal symptoms when they toss out their nicotine gum. Some are choosing to use the gum for months or years because of their fear of slipping back into cigarette use. The price tag for using Nicorette gum is about the same as a pack-and-a-half-a-day smoking habit which is just as expensive as the smoking habit.

As a natural health advocate, my philosophy is to heal the body naturally without adding more toxins/chemicals into the body. If you or someone you know is a smoker and wants to quit without chemicals, the best way to do that is via self-hypnosis. Hypnosis has proven to be a safe, successful method towards helping hundreds of thousands of people stop smoking, and is more cost effective than turning towards Niocrette. There are many resources out there, however, the best resource I have found for self hypnonis is from Clinical Hypnotherapist, Steve G. Jones and highly recommend his site: