Monday, December 21, 2009

Holiday Food Survival Tips

Are you committing Holiday Food gluttony? Is it difficult for you to just say no? Will you find yourself in a Holiday food coma?

No doubt, this is the time of year to eat, drink and be merry. Is it possible to enjoy the holidays and not go into food gluttony?

With that, I bring you my Holiday Food Survival Tips.

Holiday Food Survival Tip #1. Exercise to burn excess calories. The reason why most of us gain weight this time of year is that we are consuming more calories than we are burning. Overindulging will not only increase your weight, but will also zap your energy levels leaving you lethargic and sluggish. Exercise will not only help you feel better physically and mentally, but it will also make you feel more energetic.

Holiday Food Survival Tip #2 - Drink lots of water throughout the day every day to help flush excess sodium in holiday foods. Many of the foods you eat either in restaurants or parties are going to be loaded with sodium. Excess sodium makes your body retain water like a sponge, which makes you feel bloated. Try to avoid high sodium foods and drink water throughout the day and night.

Holiday Food Survival Tip #3- Do not skip breakfast. People skip breakfast and other meals to help "make room" for the upcoming feast or with the thought process that if they cut back the calories in skipped meals, that they won't be consuming as many calories at their holiday event. Wrong. The opposite ends up happening. You end up consuming more calories during the 1 big meal. By the time you get to your holiday event, you are so hungry and the aroma of food becomes so overwhelming that you end up eating more.

Holiday Food Survival Tip #4 - Have a healthy snack such as protein shake, yogurt or salad 1 hour prior to your holiday party or dinner. You won't be as hungry and won't over indulge.

Holiday Food Survival Tip #5 - Use a smaller plate and pile on the veggies and protein. If you use a smaller plate and pile fill 1/2 your plate with vegetables and lean protein, you will have less room on your plate for the "bad stuff" and will be consuming fewer calories.

Holiday Food Survival Tip #6- Don't deprive yourself, however, limit your intake of sweets, for example, have one cookie or a sliver of cake/pie. One thing I do is I will have a "taste" of some of the desserts. I will choose 3 desserts and take a tablespoon size portion of my 3 choices allowing me to "taste" without actually eating 3 desserts.

Holiday Food Survival Tip #7- Walk away from the dinner and buffet table once you have finished eating to avoid unnessary, excessive snacking. Even though you've eaten a full meal, by hanging around the dinner table or buffet table, we tend to keep on eating, simply because the food is there. If you are having a conversation with someone, suggest to that person that you continue the conversation in another room.

I hope these tips help you survive the holiday season with minimal waist line damage.

Wishing you good health this holiday season,


  1. Excellent Tips! Enjoy the holiday season!

  2. Thanks Shari, Great tips. Now it's our job to IMPLIMENT your wonderful insight, which seems to always be the hardest part for most people. Keep the faith folks, it CAN be done! Use Shari's tips, and have a plan. Go to your holiday festivites with your plan in place, and feel good about seeing it through. You'll be proud of yourself for staying on track...what a wonderful gift for YOU this Christmas!

  3. HypnoChic
    Thank you for your comments and feeback on this article. They are very much appreciated.

    Wishing you Happy Holidays


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