Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Health Reform - What's NOT being said

Notice, I said Health Reform, not Health Care Reform.  Granted, health CARE reform is a topic being hotly debated, well actually, it’s more about health insurance reform.  What’s not being discussed is that it is up to us as individuals to reform our own personal health, and in order to do that, one must make changes to lifestyle choices that affect our health as individuals.  What’s not being talked about is prevention.  What’s not being talked about is people taking responsibility for reforming their personal health.

I don’t think anyone is going to argue the fact that as a nation, we are unfit and unhealthy.  We all have heard the reports that the obesity rate is skyrocketing and is costing us billions of dollars in health care costs.  Most of the illnesses and diseases are directly related to obesity.

Childhood obesity is at an all time high.  What’s going to happen to all the children who are obese today when they become adults tomorrow?  What’s not being talked about is Health Education in schools ─ teaching children about what good health is, what lifestyle choices promote it, teaching them what good nutrition is and the importance of exercise. 

For adults, the latest studies talk about how Obesity Can Increase Dementia Risk By Up To 80 Percent.  This is quite serious considering that over half of the adult population is obese.  Dementia could become an epidemic.

Let’s face it.  You’d have to be pretty darn ignorant to not know all the various chronic conditions, diseases and illnesses that afflict the majority of the population is due to poor lifestyle choices.  Diseases such as diabetes, hypertension (aka – High Blood Pressure), heart disease, etc.  Simply put, the diseases we’re trying to manage are lifestyle related and therefore preventable.

Study after study proves how diet and exercise can help prevent or alleviate just about every disease there is, yet, doctors are not telling their patients that they need to exercise or ask them about their eating habits and refer them to a nutritionist to help teach them how they can make better food choices.  They’re not having a conversation about prevention – choosing the right foods, keeping your body active and managing stress.  Nope, they’re treating the effect with prescription medications, instead of addressing and treating the cause.

The cost of health care is hurting us economically as a nation, and as individuals.  All too often I encounter people with health issues that could be remedied or lessen the severity of their illness naturally with an exercise program and better nutritional choices.  However, as a society, we have been programmed by the pharmaceutical industry to just pop a pill to make it better when in fact, you’re not.  The cure lies in prevention and let’s face it, prevention means change and most people are very resistant to change.  It’s easier to pop a pill than to exercise.  It’s easier to pop a pill, hit the nearest fast food drive through than go to the supermarket and cook a healthy, nutritious meal.

We as individuals and as a nation need to change the way we think when it comes to our health.  As a fitness professional and natural health advocate, I feel that the root of prevention is teaching people how to make the right choices about food, how to keep your body physically active, how to deal with stress.

It all starts with us as individuals taking responsibility and reforming our own personal health.  It’s never too late to start.

Master Cleanses and Detox Diets

This is a subject that comes up from time to time with my clients and I’m asked my opinion on these.  I personally feel they are unnecessary.

To truly cleanse your body and keep it clean, simply cut out processed foods.  Most of the foods we eat have a laundry list of ingredients that are nothing but chemicals.  Foods that are organic are natural and free of toxic pesticides and chemicals.  If you eat animal proteins, make sure that the animals were not fed a diet of chemically treated grain, antibiotics and steroids.  If you are drinking plenty of water throughout the day, you are constantly flushing your body.

Rather than make these dietary changes, people are always looking for a quick fix; the easy way out.  We're so eager to believe that our bodies are cesspools of evil toxins and undigested junk and that a cleanse is like hitting the reboot button.

Starving yourself on a liquid diet or sticking a hose up your bum in an effort to cleanse the colon only eliminates water weight which you will quickly gain back.  Master cleanses & liquid diets don't change unhealthy eating habits that pollute the body-Its like living a bing-purge lifestyle. 

For a real Master Cleanse, feed your body by eating clean, nutrient-rich organic foods and stay away from processed man-made foods.

Health Benefit of a Low Carb Diet

A long time ago, I discovered how not only eating a diet a low in carbs, but sticking to complex carbs (whole grains, fibrous fruits and vegetables) helped me to lose weight and keep it off.  It’s also much healthier for you than starchy, white flour carbs.

For those of you familiar with me, you know that I am a Natural Health Advocate.  As a natural health advocate, I was thrilled to learn of a recent study by Veterans Affairs Medical Center and Duke University Medical Center in which they discovered the effectiveness of a Low Carb Diet lowering blood pressure.  We’re not talking prescription meds.  We’re talking about a natural, healthy way to not only lose weight, but lower blood pressure.

In a head-to-head comparison, two popular weight loss methods proved equally effective at helping participants lose significant amounts of weight. But, in a surprising twist, a low-carbohydrate diet proved better at lowering blood pressure than the weight-loss drug Orlistat.

These findings support EVERYTHING Natural Health Advocates have been saying all along.  These findings send an important message to hypertensive people trying to lose weight.  It's important to know you can try a diet instead of medication and get the same weight loss results with fewer costs and potentially fewer side effects.

Nearly half (47%) of patients in the low-carbohydrate group had their blood pressure medication decreased or discontinued while only 21 percent of the orlistat plus low-fat diet group experienced a reduction in medication use. Systolic blood pressure dropped considerably in the low-carbohydrate group when compared to the orlistat plus low-fat diet group.

At the end of the day, if you make lifestyle changes such as getting more exercise on a consistent basis, eating nutrient-rich foods that are not man made and keeping stress levels under control, not only will you improve your health significantly, you will feel better and look better with out the costs of doctor visits, prescription drugs and their side effects.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Why Artificial Sweeteners Are Making You Fat

Although low-calorie sweeteners are a dietary staple for many people trying to maintain or lose weight, according to a study published in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) an emerging body of evidence suggests artificial sweeteners offer little help to dieters and may even help promote weight gain.

Yup, you read that correctly.  Studies have suggested that low-calorie sweeteners may actually increase appetite for sweet foods, promote overeating, and lead to weight gain.

Sweeter Than Sucrose (table sugar)
Artificial sweeteners are a hundred times sweeter than sucrose (table sugar). By getting ourselves used to so much sweet, normal sweet flavors, of fruit for example, become bland and so do other healthful foods such as grains and vegetables, thus reducing our willingness to consume them and ultimately compromising the quality of our diet.  If you struggle with sugar cravings, any healthy eating plan will be difficult because you will constantly be craving “sweet”.

Psychologists at Purdue University's Ingestive Behavior Research Center reported that relative to rats that ate yogurt sweetened with glucose (a simple sugar with 15 calories/teaspoon, the same as table sugar), rats given yogurt sweetened with zero-calorie saccharin later consumed more calories, gained more weight, put on more body fat, and didn't make up for it by cutting back later, all at levels of statistical significance.

Artificial Sweeteners Confuse the Body
The dissociation between sweet taste and calorie intake may put the regulatory system that controls hunger and body weight out of sync, thus sabotaging weight loss plans.  Sweet foods provide a "salient orosensory stimulus" that strongly predicts someone is about to take in a lot of calories. Ingestive and digestive reflexes gear up for that intake but when false sweetness isn't followed by lots of calories, the system gets confused. Thus, people may eat more or expend less energy than they otherwise would.

Related Links:



Economics of Your Health, Fitness and Wellness

“Procrastination gives Way to Consequences” - Winston Churchill. These words apply to so many aspects of life, however, when you apply these words to your overall Health, Fitness and Wellness, they have a lot of meaning and truth to them.

It's very rare when you come across someone who doesn't want to look better, or just feel better. How many people do you know are always sick and run down? What about you? When you think about your overall Health, Fitness and Wellness, are there any changes you like to make? Chances are you answered yes to these questions, but then ask yourself, how many people do you know are actually being proactive about it? When I say proactive, how many people do you know are exercising, eating healthy, well balanced meals on a daily basis, drinking more water than soft drinks and taking a good quality multi-vitamin?

 Obesity in this country is at an all time high and the numbers keep growing not only amongst adults, but amongst children as well. Diabetes and high blood pressure are common diseases. Health care costs are out of control.

 How many people do you know, or perhaps yourself suffer from headaches, lack of energy, dizziness, are depressed or are mildly depressed? Some of these symptoms stem from nutritional issues and from leading a sedentary lifestyle. The human body was meant to be in motion, not sitting on the sofa glued to the TV with a bag of chips or ingesting all kinds of chemicals that make up the processed foods you eat. You go to the doctor because you want to feel better. The doctor says you are just getting older and it's a sign of aging so he prescribes you a pill? Does the doctor ask about your eating habits or your exercise habits? Probably not.

Complaints of physical ailments are really diet/nutritional issues as well as being sedentary, and being overweight is the obvious symptom. Being overweight or obese is not just too many calories, it is a nutritional imbalance. Symptoms associated with being obese or overweight are treated with over the counter remedies or prescription drugs.

Look, I'm not a doctor, but as a Fitness Consultant, one of the things I do with all my clients is ask for a food journal and it is obvious from all the food journals I have looked at over the years that people are eating too many processed foods, not enough fruits and vegetables and lean sources of protein. The average American knows that they don't eat healthy, but don't know how to change their habits. People want answers to diet and health.

 There are two industries out there. You have the Sickness Industry and you have the Wellness Industry. As a fitness professional, I am in the Wellness Industry. People who are sick, are customers of the Sickness Industry. People who are customers of the Wellness Industry are avoiding being customers of the Sickness Industry.

Economic Causes of the Sickness Industry:
Let's take a look at the Food Industry because after all, most Americans are eating unhealthy, processed foods that are loaded with chemicals that the human body was not created to process. The food industry consists of fast food restaurants, Processed Foods (foods that are canned, frozen or in a wrapper), and Farmed Foods. The Processed Foods industry is 95% of our foods stemming from companies like the Golden Arches, Kraft, P&G. These companies will spare no expense on Research and Development to increase consumption of these foods. The more overweight you are, the more calories/product you consume.

They mix chemicals in the foods so that the consumer is never sated. The chemicals in every processed food has been altered, so that your taste buds don't get bored with the food. Hence, you consume more product, you gain more weight. You gain more weight, your caloric intake goes up. How many people do you know who are overweight are happy being overweight?

 Trillions of dollars of lost productivity is due to health. Diabetes is up and never mind the cost for the shot. It is the 2-3 days someone is out of work because they are sick. One third of American children are diagnosed as being pre-diabetic all due to diet.

The Medical Industry
The Medical Industry targets the doctors. They have pharmaceutical reps visit doctors and get them to sing up to write Rx's for the latest drug to treat the SYMPTOMS of the newest ailment.

The Medical Industry treats SYMPTOMS, NOT DISEASES. Modern medicine is based on technology which is controlled by private companies looking to make money. Most of the drugs out there you end up taking the rest of your life because they don't cure, but treat the symptoms.

 The medical industry is now the sickness industry because you become a customer when you get sick. One Seventh of our dollars are spent on treating sickness. Sickness is one of the largest causes of bankruptcy in the US.

Medical expenditures are going to sky rocket but nothing is being done to help a person lose weight or educate them on how to make better nutritional choices. When you see a doctor, do they sit you down and really talk to you about nutrition or seeing a fitness professional?  I don’t think so.

There is a need for a Wellness Revolution before the health and wellness of America becomes more out of control than it already is. Overweight and obesity is more than just a health crisis in this country, but it has become an economic crisis not only to the individual, but to Corporate America which will affect employment opportunities.

The Wellness Industry
The Wellness Industry provides products and services pro-actively to healthy people who want to feel healthier, slow down the effects of aging or prevent diseases from developing in the first place. The Wellness Industry is what you do to keep from becoming a customer of the sickness industry.

There is a small percentage of Americans getting more fit and healthy as they age. They are early adopters for wellness. They are successful people looking to be fit and healthy and defy aging.

As I do my weekly trip to the grocery store, products that I used to purchase in a specialty market are now available in mainstream supermarkets. Publix Supermarkets, for example, now has a Greenwise products Organic Foods. WalMart is now carrying Organic products and Whole Foods Supermarkets are expanding nation wide.

It is a shame that we have become a society of instant gratification. Everyone is looking for that quick fix from looking for that magic weight loss pill, the latest diet, plastic surgery, liposuction rather than just doing what you need to do. Be consistent about your diet, exercise and supplementation. You will improve your overall health, fitness and wellness, but it is hard work and it does not happen overnight, however, the results are PRICELESS.

The next time you go to the doctor and pay the bill for the doctor's visit, the lab bill for the blood work done on you and the prescription drugs, ask yourself if all of that could be avoided if you had a piece of fruit instead of the candy bar, if you went to the gym instead of sitting on the sofa and if you took a good quality multi vitamin.

For those of you who have turned down the services of a fitness professional because you didn't want to spend the money on it, think of all the money you've wasted on fast foods, over the counter medications, doctor's visits, etc. What would you rather do, end up spending money on a visit to the doctor and the prescription drugs, or a few sessions with a qualified fitness professional. Where would you rather spend the money? Procrastination gives Way to Consequences” - Winston Churchill

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Pomegranates May Prevent Growth of Breast Cancer Hormone

Another “superfood” has made health headlines.  Eating fruit, such as pomegranates, that contain anti-aromatase phytochemicals reduces the incidence of hormone-dependent breast cancer, according to results of a study published in the January issue of Cancer Prevention Research, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research.

Phytochemicals suppress estrogen production that prevents the proliferation of breast cancer cells and the growth of estrogen-responsive tumors.  Previous research has shown that pomegranate juice -- punica granatum L -- is high in antioxidant activity, which is generally attributed to the fruit's high polyphenol content. Ellagic acid found in pomegranates inhibits aromatase, an enzyme that converts androgen to estrogen. Aromatase plays a key role in breast carcinogenesis; therefore, the growth of breast cancer is inhibited.

Conclusion: people may want to consider consuming more pomegranates to protect against cancer development in the breast and perhaps in other tissues and organs.

High Fructose Corn Syrup – It’s Everywhere and it’s making us Fat

Obesity is not just an epidemic here in the States and in the UK, it’s also in other countries in the world where you wouldn’t think it would be an issue.  So what’s the culprit?  High Fructose Corn Syrup.  It’s in just about every thing we consume.

Dietary carbohydrates, especially fructose, are the primary source of a substance called glycerol-3-phosphate, which causes fat to become fixed in fat tissue. At the same time, this diet raises insulin levels, which prevents fat from being released.

This leads to a simple equation: dietary carbohydrates such as high fructose corn syrup lead to obesity, even if you are actually malnourished.

In countries around the world, waistlines are expanding so rapidly that health experts recently coined a term for the epidemic: globesity. One in three of the world’s adults is overweight and one in 10 is obese.

Much of this can be blamed on the simple theory that if you take in more calories than your burn, you will gain weight. But the issue is much more complex than that.

There are several more or less obvious reasons for the dramatic rise in obesity since the 1970s, including:
  • Increased consumption of highly processed food, especially fructose
  • Increased portion sizes of restaurant food and grocery products
  • Increased driving and computer use (sedentary activities)
  • Increased modernization
  • Certain medications
  • Endocrine disorders and genetics
  • Changing social perceptions of what is "normal" weight
There are also some not so obvious reasons why people are gaining weight at alarming rates. It may be that far more important than the number of calories you consume in a day may be the type of calories you consume.

And if you’re eating a lot of fructose (and there’s a good chance you are considering it’s the number one source of calories in the United States!), it could be programming your body to become fat.

Ironically, the very products that most people rely on to lose weight -- low-fat diet foods -- are often those that contain the most fructose! Even “natural” diet foods often contain fructose as a sweetener.

It’s Time to Cut Out the Fructose
Ideally I recommend that you avoid sugar, in all forms. This is especially important for people who are overweight or have diabetes, high cholesterol or high blood pressure.

But if you are just starting out and looking to cut out fructose first, the largest contributor is easily soda, for which HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup) is the primary sweetener. But fructose is not only in sugary drinks. It’s in the vast majority of processed foods, even those you wouldn’t think of as sweet, such as ketchup, soup, salad dressing, bread and crackers.

So even if you don’t drink soda, if you eat processed foods you’re likely consuming fructose -- and a lot of it.

Even natural sweeteners like agave syrup should be avoided, as it is a highly processed sap that is almost all fructose! 

If you’re looking for the occasional sweet treat, Dr. Mercola recommends, in this order:
  1. The herb stevia 
  2. Raw, organic honey
  3. Organic cane sugar
Small amounts of whole fruit, which do contain fructose, are not a problem. If you’re healthy, you can enjoy fruit in moderation.

The next time you’re in the supermarket, please be sure to check the ingredients.  If High Fructose Corn Syrup is one of the ingredients, put the item back on the shelf and look at other comparable products until you find one that doesn’t contain High Fructose Corn Syrup. 

To learn more about High Fructose Corn Syrup, check out

Beware of Artifical Sweeteners

One of my mantras about artificial sweeteners has been – It’s artificial, not natural, therefore, it’s a chemical, a toxin that you are ingesting.  The human body was not designed to ingest toxins and chemicals, thereby putting your self potentially at risk of disease.

Aspartame is a very popular artificial sweetener that is also known as Nutra Sweet and Equal.  Aspartame is widely used as a sweetener, 200 times more than sugar, in tea and coffee, especially by the weight conscious.

Aspartame was synthesized by G.D. Searle in 1965 after its strong sweet taste was first noted. Subsequent toxicology tests by Searle revealed brain damage in mice, and cancer in the liver, testes and thyroid of rats. However, the results of these tests were never published nor reported to the FDA.

Aspartame is the second most widely used artificial sweetener in the world. It is found in more than 6,000 products including carbonated and powdered soft drinks, hot chocolate, chewing gum, candy, desserts, yogurt, and tabletop sweeteners, as well as some pharmaceutical products like vitamins and sugar-free cough drops.

In 1975, a FDA Task Force conducted a comprehensive review of the scientific literature on the toxicity of aspartame. This revealed gross abuse in Searle's claims which trivialized or suppressed evidence on the toxic and carcinogenic effects of aspartame.

In 1996, based on a comprehensive review of the scientific literature, Dr. John Olney, a leading independent U.S. scientist, confirmed that aspartame caused brain cancer when fed to rodents.

Yet, despite all the evidence of how harmful aspartame is, the FDA approved it.  There is some good news.  It is anticipated that Dr. Margaret Hamburg, the new FDA Commissioner, will ban all dietary uses of aspartame.

In light of all this information, if you are consuming any product that contains an artificial sweetener of ANY KIND, aspartame or saccharine, your best bet would be to stay clear of these products and use a natural sweetener such as raw honey or raw sugar and simply ditch your diet soda for sparkling water or club soda with a fresh lemon or lime.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

5 Excuses That Won't Fly in 2010

I had the pleasure of having Tom Venuto on my FitTalk Show last year. Over the holidays, we had exchanged emails talking about how being more fit and healthy remains the top goal for most people, particularly with all the talk of health care.  
I shared with Tom my article, Another New Year's Resolution, as he was a resource I had mentioned in my article.  During our exchange, we talked about how excuses remains the most common deterrent with people when it comes to weight loss success.
With that, Tom told me that he had an article he had written called, 5 Excuses that Won't Fly in 2010 and I am excited to publish Tom's article as a guest blogger.

5 Excuses That Won't Fly in 2010
Written by Guest Blogger: Tom Venuto
Author: Burn The Fat

It’s 2010. Your old excuses for not getting in shape won’t work. As Dr. Evil (Austin Powers) said, ZIP IT! I don’t want to hear them anymore! Read em’, then haul your excuseless butt to the gym!
1. I have no time.
According to a story in a recent issue of Men’s Health magazine, Barack Obama works out for 45 minutes a day, 6 days a week. Obama doesn’t just play basketball either. Our new president stays fit to lead with cardio and weight lifting. He also says he wishes he could train 90 minutes a day. Have you ever seen what the daily schedule of a U.S. president looks like? If the busiest man in the world can train every day for 45 minutes a day, then what’s your excuse? ZIP IT! You ain’t got one!
2. It’s too expensive.
Getting in shape certainly is expensive… if you keep wasting hundreds of dollars, month after month on worthless “miracle” weight loss pills, internal cleansing gimmicks and “magic” potions that all claim to make you slim. Deceptive advertising and slick marketing for bogus diet aids is more rampant than ever. 2010 was the year of thewu-long tea scam, the acai berry scam, and, of course, the ubiquitous “cleansing” and “detox” gimmicks . Unless you put on your critical thinking cap and learn to investigate before you invest, then you’ll get scammed by 2010’s flavor of the year as well. Your quest for those elusive “6-pack” abs will not only continue to be expensive, you’ll go broke. Walking, jogging, calisthenics and body weight exercises are FREE. If you want to know what’s really expensive, tally up the cost of legitimate expenses like natural food, gym memberships, fitness education, dumbbells and so on, and compare that to your doctor’s bill when you’re sick.
3. No one will support me.
Experts on social influence say your income will be approximately equal to the average of your 5 closest friends. Not only do I think that’s pretty darn accurate, I also believe that your health is your greatest wealth, and your physical condition will be about equal to the average of your 5 closest friends. It’s a real challenge to stay positive, focused and active when you’re surrounded by critical people and negative influences. However, in 2010, lack of support is no longer a valid excuse. Online social networking is exploding (check out Twitter and Facebook ) and more IN PERSON friendships and associations are being made from an internet connection than ever before. Training buddies can be found online. Connect with them. Mentors and coaches are easily found online. Hire them. Support forums have been around for years. Use them. No support from your current friends? Stop whining, start reaching out and go make new ones. In 2010, support partners and new friends are just a click away.
4. I can’t lose weight because of my genetics.
The marvels of modern medical and biological research are astonishing. Our top scientists have mapped the human genome! In the past few years, numerous genes linked to obesity have been discovered. However, the obesity epidemic we’re facing today has only developed over the past 50 years and genetic mutations that lead to serious obesity are extremely rare. Genetic predisposition only means that you have a tendency. It’s when the genetics meet lifestyle and environment that the genes express themselves. If you have a family history of heart disease, is it smart to smoke, eat junk, be a stressed-out, type-A maniac and a couch potato? Well of course not, and it’s the same with obesity. If you have a tendency predisposing you towards obesity, you’d better be the person doing the MOST exercise, not the least. You’d better be the person paying the MOST attention to your nutrition. You’d better be the person with the healthiest lifestyle. But unfortunately, it’s usually the opposite. Most people throw up their arms in frustration saying, “what’s the use, I was dealt a bad hand.” Sorry. That won’t fly in 2010. The latest research says genetics are a factor, but a tendency is not a destiny!
5. I don’t know how.
The lamest excuse of them all in 2010 is “I don’t know how.” NO ONE KNOWS HOW TO DO ANYTHING UNTIL AFTER THEY HAVE ACTUALLY DONE IT! Ponder that for a while. You don’t need to know how at first. To get started, you only need to know WHAT… what is the goal? Setting well-formed goals is the master skill of success. Not wishy-washy resolutions that have no resolve behind them, but real goals. In writing. With emotional ooompf! As you continue to affirm, visualize and focus on your goal with clarity, belief, and expectation, your new goal or intention will be received by your subconscious. Once a goal is accepted into your subconscious mind, your brain, being a goal-seeking mechanism, will turn on your attention filters to seek out all the information you will ever need to reach your goal. It will also turn on an infallible navigation system to guide you to your goal like a torpedo to its target. As your brain guides your attention, your direction and your behavior, you will discover that today, in 2010, there is more good information, coaching and instruction available than ever before. And when you’ve activated that “success radar” in your brain by setting goals effectively, it’s not as hard to find honest, accurate and helpful HOW-TO advice as you might think. In fact, you found this webpage, so you’re doing pretty good right now, aren’t you?
No more excuses. In 2010, remember my Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle Creed: You can either make excuses or get results, but you can’t do both!

Your friend and coach,

Tom Venuto
Fat Loss Coach
About the Author:
Tom Venuto is a fat loss expert, lifetime natural (steroid-free) bodybuilder, independent nutrition researcher, freelance writer, and author of the #1 best selling diet e-book, Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle: Fat-Burning Secrets of The World’s Best Bodybuilders & Fitness Models (e-book) which teaches you how to get lean without drugs or supplements using secrets of the world's best bodybuilders and fitness models. Learn how to get rid of stubborn fat and increase your metabolism by visiting:

Going Organic – Why it’s good for your health, and good for your waist line

I have always believed that if you eat a diet that is free of unhealthy processed foods, than that is all you need to do to maintain good health.  My diet has been “clean” for many years avoiding foods that have “ingredients”.  This means a diet that is rich in fibrous fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean animal proteins.

I never really thought about or considered going organic. In my mind, I believed that I was eating healthy and I also had been a victim of the “myth” that organics are too expensive.

Every day, I read through the latest health news on several sites.  More and more, I have been reading reports of how our food supply and soil has been compromised by industrialized farming and the effect it has on our health.  News reports about food safety are becoming more common.

Documentaries on the food industry and what it’s doing to our health are starting the hit the main stream.

As a person who is very health conscious, I realized I was exposing myself to all kinds of chemicals and toxins that were compromising my healthy lifestyle.  I knew the time had come for me to make the change and switch over to going organic.

Organic food is expensive - NOT
Before I even tell you why going organic is good for your health and good for your waistline, I’m going to tackle the myth that organic food is too expensive.  Not so if you know where and how to shop for it.

I am fortunate enough to have a Whole Foods Market in my area.  For the longest time, I avoided purchasing my groceries in there because of the rumor that you’d need to take out a second mortgage in order to shop there.  I decided it was time to bite the bullet and go.  Much to my surprise, everything in there was more affordable than I thought.  The trick is to purchase their brand which is organic and is top notch quality.  My grocery bills are now actually lower compared to the more mainstream supermarkets I had been doing my shopping. 

If you don’t have a Whole Foods in your area, Farmer’s Markets are becoming more and more popular or check your local listings for Organic Supermarkets in your area.

Organic for Better Health
Although I had been eating a diet that was natural and free of preservatives, I was exposing myself to all kinds of toxic chemicals.  More and more pesticides are being used and are compromising the quality of the soil.  We are also consuming genetically modified foods.

Many grain and bean crops that are being grown in soil that has been compromised through the overuse of  pesticides, herbicides and other chemical additives are not are only stripping our foods of the nutrients we should be getting, but are also used to create the processed foods which make up the bulk of the foods we eat, but are also used to feed factory farmed livestock and fish.

Essentially, our bodies are being exposed to chemicals and toxins that can compromise our health and our waist lines. According to Dr. John Salerno, “The ancient wisdom of mankind says you should eat until you are satisfied, and these foods simply don't satisfy us. Add to that the chemicals added to the so-called value-added foods which are put there to replace the natural goodness that has been lost and you have a real problem.

These food additives, with unpronounceable names and unknown derivatives are known categorically as excitotoxins. Did you ever wonder why Dad could sit down in front of the television to watch the ball game and eat an entire package of corn chips? It's the Dr. Strangelove additions designed in the lab to make that food so tasty, Dad's natural satiety switch is turned off.

Those added chemicals, which by the way, even show up on fresh produce that isn't organic by way of sprays and dips, and chemical baths, can derail any weight loss program. Chemicals can increase food cravings, cause water retention, and can actually cause weight gain. These same additives are often allergenic, and can cause insulin to spike, playing havoc with those people who are pre-diabetic, or diabetic.”

Industrialized Livestock
Knowing what I know, I’m not giving up my animal proteins any time soon.  Animal proteins are where most of my calories come from. 

Not only are animals and fish being fed chemically treated grains, they are also injected with all kinds of hormones and antibiotics, which, we are ingesting when we eat livestock and fish. 

There are supermarkets and farmers markets that sell non industrialized livestock that are purchased from local farmers that are free of chemicals, pesticides, antibiotics and hormones.  Grass fed beef, bison, cage free chickens, eggs are available through local farmers.  There are also fish farms that are void of chemicals and antibiotics. 

American Health Association Ban on Hormones in Milk and Beef
In an article written by Samuel S. Epstein for the Huffington Post,  reported “The Cancer Prevention Coalition is pleased to announce that the Governing Council of the American Public Health Association has voted to oppose the continued sale and use of genetically engineered hormonal rBGH milk, and also meat adulterated with sex hormones. This decision is based on long-standing scientific and public policy information developed and published by the Cancer Prevention Coalition over the last two decades.”

You can learn more about rBGH and adulterated hormones and how it affects your health, please refer to Samuel S. Epstein’s article.

Making the change
Since I have switched over to eating organic fruits and vegetables, making sure that my beef, chicken, fish and dairy products are free of hormones, antibiotics, etc., I have definitely noticed an improvement with my digestive system.  I never really had an issue with stomach bloating, however, I have noticed that the small amount of bloating I would sometimes experience is non existent.  My skin and hair is more vibrant and find that I am more energetic than ever before.  Although I am currently not trying to lose or gain weight, I have noticed that after one month of switching over, I did lose a few pounds and I have been able to maintain a consistent weight meaning, my body is not retaining water like it was.

If you are suffering from any chronic illnesses, it is possible that your health issues are directly related to the foods you eat.  Diet and exercise are the keys towards improved health and weight loss, however, if you are not already doing so, try switching over to organic fruits and vegetables and eat beef, chicken, fish and dairy products that are free of antibiotics and hormones.  If you do this consistently for three months, you should be feeling a lot better and may also be able to free yourself of  some prescription drugs you may be on, with your doctor’s permission.


Recommend readings/dvd's on this topic:

Friday, January 1, 2010

Another New Year's Resolution

Another year has come and gone and another New Year is before us.  Hundreds of thousands of people are feeling the effects of another holiday season of too much over indulgence and too little exercise.  Hundreds of thousands of people are yet again, making another New Year’s Resolution to lose weight. 

If you are one of the many who is yet again, making weight loss your New Year’s Resolution, ask yourself why you find yourself with the same goal at the start of every year.  Why will this year be different from all the others?

Don’t think of it as a New Year’s Resolution.  That phrase in itself has a negative connotation and doesn’t sound long term.  New Year’s Resolutions have a built in bad reputation for failure.  Their life spans are short, goals never quite reached.  I would suggest that you look at it from a different perspective.  Don’t call it a New Year’s Resolution.  It’s a proposal to YOURSELF, a life long commitment to YOU,

Everyone starts off motivated with good intentions of weight loss success, but they fall off the path somewhere.  Why?  What are the excuses that stopped you   in the past?  Have you really taken the time to sit down with a pen and paper and write down why your previous efforts didn’t succeed?  If you were to do that, you would get a good understanding of where your efforts got derailed and ask yourself what you could do differently this time around to prevent that from happening again.

Establishing good habits take time.  They don’t happen overnight.  The things you do habitually require no thought and they are actions you perform consistently day after day.  The same concept applies towards exercising on a consistent basis and improving your nutrition.

My diet and exercise habits didn’t develop overnight and it wasn’t easy in the beginning.  It was a conscious effort.  My nutritional habits are second nature to me now.  It requires no effort for me to avoid foods that aren’t nutrient rich. 

When it comes to exercise, a lot of people will come up with excuses as to why they don’t.  The number one excuse most people have is that they don’t have time.  I had the opportunity to interview Tom Venuto on my FitTalk Show and when we discussed the “I don’t have the time” excuse, Tom’s response to that was, "you have all the time in the world. You have the same time everyone else has. Twenty four hours in a day. The same amount of time as Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Warren Buffet and The President." What you haven't done is taken the time to sit down and prioritize your life - put health as a high priority.”

If time is an issue for you, one of the best ways to maximize your time and your efforts is to walk into the gym with a “game plan”.  There are thousands of workout programs out there and fitness professionals such as myself who can create a game plan for you.  When you walk into the gym knowing exactly what it is you need to do, i.e., what exercises, how many sets, how many reps, your workouts will be more focused and you won’t be wasting time trying to think about what to do next.  Your workouts will have a purpose.  Having a “game plan” will help keep you motivated to complete the workout you walked into the gym with.

Most programs are 3 months, 12 weeks, 90 days.  Once you have chosen a program, (book, e-book, fitness professional or an on line service such as the one I provide), commit yourself to the length of the program.  Set aside an appointment with yourself at the same time 3-4 days per week.  By doing this, you are creating a habit.  If you can stick to a 90 day program, you are on your way towards making exercise part of your lifestyle.

If you want to get a great e-book, I highly recommend Tom Venuto’s Burn The Fat program.  I provide a personalized on-line services much like my in person client’s get. 

The next component is your nutrition.  I never refer to it as a “diet”.  Following a “diet” is never long term, or a lifestyle.  “Diets” tend to be quick fixes and most people have difficulty sticking to a “diet”.  What you want to do is think of yourself as making better food choices and it can be a gradual process so you don’t feel like you’re depriving yourself or going through withdrawals that some foods can cause once you suddenly omit them from your diet.

In order to make better food choices, you need to be aware of your current food choices.  This suggestion is nothing new; however, it’s tried and true.  Keep a food journal. Make an effort for 1 week to write down everything you eat and drink.  This will make you more aware of what you eat. 

When you find yourself snacking, be aware if you’re snacking in front of the TV, computer, etc.  Rather than bring a bag or container with you to your desk, living room, etc., put a single serving in a bowl and eat only the serving in the bowl.  Better yet, substitute the snack for a better choice such an apple with a handful of nuts. 

If you are a soda drinker, and you notice that you are having at least 1 can of soda a day, rather than quit soda cold turkey, try cutting back on the amount of sodas you drink per week.  That’s one simple change that can help make a difference.  Over time, you will be able to give up soda. (Regular and diet are both bad for you).

When you look at foods, ask yourself if the choice you’re making has any nutritional value.  Are the foods you eating have ingredients you can’t pronounce or is it in its natural state (i.e., fresh fruit, vegetables, fish, chicken, etc.).  Just like your workouts, if you stick with making better, nutritional food choices for 90 days, you will develop new habits that will get you closer to your weight loss goals.  Another tip, if you prepare your meals in advance and carry them with you, it will help you avoid eating foods that aren’t in line with your goals.

Finally, you want to build muscle and burn fat.  Like anything else, it’s a process.  There is no quick fix.  No magic pill.  If there was, obesity wouldn’t be an issue.  Also, the results you get are what you put into it as a lifestyle.  Just as being fit and healthy is a lifestyle choice, being unfit and overweight is a lifestyle choice too.

Here’s to a lifetime of good health through better nutrition and an active, fit, body.

Recommended resources

Healing Foods in the Health Headlines

Health Trend – Healing Foods
Foods that are nutrient rich that are good for the body was talked about this past year and will continue to be in the news in the new year.  The healing benefits of food have been reported by cultures worldwide throughout history.  The past decade has presented an explosion of research showing specifically what health benefits individual foods can offer.  Studies in the past decade have taken nutritional research beyond protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. 

The past decade has spawned  grass roots efforts and studies spreading the word about the dangers of processed foods and the impact it has on our health.  The dangers of food additives such as high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and trans fats are being reported on more and more educating consumers to start taking a closer look at the ingredient labels on the foods they eat.

Super foods that have received a lot of press in the past decade for their research-supported health benefits.  A diet rich in super foods can help you lower your cholesterol, keep your blood pressure under control, maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer, and, for an added bonus, put you in a better mood.  A healthy diet incorporating a variety of the following super foods along with exercise, will help you maintain your weight, fight disease, and live longer. One thing they all have in common is that they real, unprocessed foods.

What are these super foods that have made headlines?  Here’s a list of the top superfoods and their benefits.

Quinoa is a seed that is a completed protein, meaning that it contains all of the essential amino acids, is high in magnesium, iron, copper and phosphorus.  Because of it’s high protein content, quinoa is a good choice for vegans looking to get adequate protein in their diet.  The high magnesium content is beneficial  for those who have hypertension (high blood pressure).  Studies have indicated that it can help alleviate migraine symptoms, is heart healthy, can substantially reduce type 2 diabetes risk and is rich in antioxidants.

Raw Honey
Not only is honey a natural sweetener, research has shown that it has anti-bacterial and anti-viral effects and is effective at treating wounds.

Among the fruits with the highest level of antioxidants, blueberries have been linked to lowering cholesterol, reducing diabetes risk, slowing the aging process, improving motor skills and supporting urinary and vision health.
Researchers have found that blueberries help protect the brain from oxidative stress and may reduce the effects of age-related conditions such as Alzheimer's disease or dementia.

Salmon is low in calories, high in protein and rich in healthy omega-3 fats.  Omega 3s you get in fish lower heart disease risk, help arthritis, and may possibly help with memory loss and Alzheimer's.  Research showing anti-inflammatory and cancer prevention properties are impressive.  Look for wild salmon vs. farmed to avoid contaminants such as PCBs.

Green Tea
Green tea has ECGC, a powerful antioxidant.  Researchers in Spain and the United Kingdom have shown that ECGC can inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Studies are pointing towards its potential in decreasing incidence of stroke and heart disease, and its role in reducing inflammation associated with several types of IBD (inflammatory bowel disease). More recent research is indicating that green tea may help prevent type-2 diabetes and osteoporosis.

Walnuts are heart healthy and is an excellent source of omega-3 essential fatty acids.  Some of the health benefits walnuts provide range from cardiovascular protection, to the promotion of better cognitive function for brain health, to anti-inflammatory benefits helpful in asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis. In addition, walnuts contain an antioxidant compound that supports the immune system and appears to have several anticancer properties.

Dark Chocolate
Hard to believe but yes, dark chocolate does have health benefits.  However, keep in mind that it is chocolate and not to be over indulged in. The darker it is, the lower the fat and sugar content. New research has shown that dark chocolate is packed with antioxidants and can lower blood pressure.  Recent studies show that dark chocolate helps ease emotional stress.

In addition to protein, vitamins such as B-2 and B-12, minerals such as calcium and magnesium, yogurt consumers also enjoy the benefits of probiotics. Probiotics are known as the “good bacteria” that can reside in the intestines, offering immune and digestive support. Research has shown improved vaginal health among women consuming yogurt, and the cholesterol-lowering properties of yogurt look promising. Plain Greek yogurt with active cultures is recommended and is lower in sugar than most yogurts.  When buying yogurt, be sure to read the label to make sure your yogurt contains 15-20 grams of protein and has 12 grams or less of sugar.

There’s no better way of starting your day than with a bowl of oats.  Not only is a bowl of oats high in fiber, and is beneficial if you are looking to prevent or are currently dealing with heart disease or diabetes.  Individuals with high cholesterol (above 220 mg/dl), consuming just 3 grams of soluble oat fiber per day (an amount found in one bowl of oatmeal) typically lowers total cholesterol by 8-23%. This is highly significant since each 1% drop in serum cholesterol translates to a 2% decrease in the risk of developing heart disease.  Oats also stabilize blood sugar which is a significant benefit for those with type 2 diabetes.

Broccoli is a fibrous vegetable loaded with vitamins such as A, B-6, folic acid, and K and minerals such as calcium and potassium and has cancer protection benefits.

It will be interesting to find out what other foods will make news as nutritional research becomes more and more prominent.  In the mean time, be sure to add these foods to your daily diet.

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" — Hippocrates

~Nourish the body with foods that are natural and nutrient rich ~ShariFitness