Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Going Organic – Why it’s good for your health, and good for your waist line

I have always believed that if you eat a diet that is free of unhealthy processed foods, than that is all you need to do to maintain good health.  My diet has been “clean” for many years avoiding foods that have “ingredients”.  This means a diet that is rich in fibrous fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean animal proteins.

I never really thought about or considered going organic. In my mind, I believed that I was eating healthy and I also had been a victim of the “myth” that organics are too expensive.

Every day, I read through the latest health news on several sites.  More and more, I have been reading reports of how our food supply and soil has been compromised by industrialized farming and the effect it has on our health.  News reports about food safety are becoming more common.

Documentaries on the food industry and what it’s doing to our health are starting the hit the main stream.

As a person who is very health conscious, I realized I was exposing myself to all kinds of chemicals and toxins that were compromising my healthy lifestyle.  I knew the time had come for me to make the change and switch over to going organic.

Organic food is expensive - NOT
Before I even tell you why going organic is good for your health and good for your waistline, I’m going to tackle the myth that organic food is too expensive.  Not so if you know where and how to shop for it.

I am fortunate enough to have a Whole Foods Market in my area.  For the longest time, I avoided purchasing my groceries in there because of the rumor that you’d need to take out a second mortgage in order to shop there.  I decided it was time to bite the bullet and go.  Much to my surprise, everything in there was more affordable than I thought.  The trick is to purchase their brand which is organic and is top notch quality.  My grocery bills are now actually lower compared to the more mainstream supermarkets I had been doing my shopping. 

If you don’t have a Whole Foods in your area, Farmer’s Markets are becoming more and more popular or check your local listings for Organic Supermarkets in your area.

Organic for Better Health
Although I had been eating a diet that was natural and free of preservatives, I was exposing myself to all kinds of toxic chemicals.  More and more pesticides are being used and are compromising the quality of the soil.  We are also consuming genetically modified foods.

Many grain and bean crops that are being grown in soil that has been compromised through the overuse of  pesticides, herbicides and other chemical additives are not are only stripping our foods of the nutrients we should be getting, but are also used to create the processed foods which make up the bulk of the foods we eat, but are also used to feed factory farmed livestock and fish.

Essentially, our bodies are being exposed to chemicals and toxins that can compromise our health and our waist lines. According to Dr. John Salerno, “The ancient wisdom of mankind says you should eat until you are satisfied, and these foods simply don't satisfy us. Add to that the chemicals added to the so-called value-added foods which are put there to replace the natural goodness that has been lost and you have a real problem.

These food additives, with unpronounceable names and unknown derivatives are known categorically as excitotoxins. Did you ever wonder why Dad could sit down in front of the television to watch the ball game and eat an entire package of corn chips? It's the Dr. Strangelove additions designed in the lab to make that food so tasty, Dad's natural satiety switch is turned off.

Those added chemicals, which by the way, even show up on fresh produce that isn't organic by way of sprays and dips, and chemical baths, can derail any weight loss program. Chemicals can increase food cravings, cause water retention, and can actually cause weight gain. These same additives are often allergenic, and can cause insulin to spike, playing havoc with those people who are pre-diabetic, or diabetic.”

Industrialized Livestock
Knowing what I know, I’m not giving up my animal proteins any time soon.  Animal proteins are where most of my calories come from. 

Not only are animals and fish being fed chemically treated grains, they are also injected with all kinds of hormones and antibiotics, which, we are ingesting when we eat livestock and fish. 

There are supermarkets and farmers markets that sell non industrialized livestock that are purchased from local farmers that are free of chemicals, pesticides, antibiotics and hormones.  Grass fed beef, bison, cage free chickens, eggs are available through local farmers.  There are also fish farms that are void of chemicals and antibiotics. 

American Health Association Ban on Hormones in Milk and Beef
In an article written by Samuel S. Epstein for the Huffington Post,  reported “The Cancer Prevention Coalition is pleased to announce that the Governing Council of the American Public Health Association has voted to oppose the continued sale and use of genetically engineered hormonal rBGH milk, and also meat adulterated with sex hormones. This decision is based on long-standing scientific and public policy information developed and published by the Cancer Prevention Coalition over the last two decades.”

You can learn more about rBGH and adulterated hormones and how it affects your health, please refer to Samuel S. Epstein’s article.

Making the change
Since I have switched over to eating organic fruits and vegetables, making sure that my beef, chicken, fish and dairy products are free of hormones, antibiotics, etc., I have definitely noticed an improvement with my digestive system.  I never really had an issue with stomach bloating, however, I have noticed that the small amount of bloating I would sometimes experience is non existent.  My skin and hair is more vibrant and find that I am more energetic than ever before.  Although I am currently not trying to lose or gain weight, I have noticed that after one month of switching over, I did lose a few pounds and I have been able to maintain a consistent weight meaning, my body is not retaining water like it was.

If you are suffering from any chronic illnesses, it is possible that your health issues are directly related to the foods you eat.  Diet and exercise are the keys towards improved health and weight loss, however, if you are not already doing so, try switching over to organic fruits and vegetables and eat beef, chicken, fish and dairy products that are free of antibiotics and hormones.  If you do this consistently for three months, you should be feeling a lot better and may also be able to free yourself of  some prescription drugs you may be on, with your doctor’s permission.


Recommend readings/dvd's on this topic:

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