Saturday, December 5, 2009

Fitness Game Plan - Got Game?

Got Game?
When it comes to fitness, do you got game? More specifically, do you have a "game plan"?

A fitness "game plan" can help make your workout experience go from ho hum to rockin'. A fitness "game plan" gives your workouts focus, a sense of purpose, keeps you motivated, and challenges you.

What is a fitness "game plan"? It's knowing exactly what exercises you're going to do and how many reps/sets of each exercise. A fitness professional can provide you with a fitness game plan that will challenge you and help keep you motivated and accountable.

I personally never hit the gym without my fitness "game plan". I know exactly what I need to do and it helps me challenge myself.

Your Fitness Game Plan

If you are working out on a regular basis, how often do you switch up your workouts? A lot of people who are in my gym have been doing the same exercise routine for YEARS. They still look the same; their bodies haven’t changed at all. Not only that, I’ve yet to see them sweat during their workouts.

If you continue doing the same workout for months or years, all you are doing is maintaining. Your body is not being challenged and therefore you won’t get the results you’re looking for. I don’t know about you, but if I went to the gym and kept doing the same workout, I’d get bored.

If you have a game plan you’ve been following for an extended period of time, perhaps you should consider changing things up. You’ll feel challenged, more motivated and, you’ll get better results.

The clients I work with on line and in person are constantly challenged as I keep changing up their workouts preventing the body from plateau, while continuously improving their strength, endurance, flexibility and over all fitness.

If you need help switching up your workouts to get results, stay motivated and challenged, most fitness professionals can work with you in person or on line.

Need a fitness "game plan"? Contact me. I can provide you with a plan regardless of where you live.


  1. Great advice Shari, I find that keeping a fitness journal keeps you accountable on your goals. Changing your workout is important to stave off boredom, but also to challenge your body that is so good at adapting to what you do to it. Interval training whether it's walking at different speeds or circuit training at the gym is a great way to challenge your body to reach new levels.

  2. Alex,
    Thank you for your feedback and comments. It's such simple and practable advice and yet more often than not, you see people aimlessly wandering around in the gym not really knowing what to do or as I said, you see them doing the same routine month after month.


Your comments are welcome