Sunday, November 1, 2009

Fitness Fades Fast After the Age of 40 – Why?

I was reading a study the other day that says “Fitness Levels Decline With Age, Especially After 45”. My question is why does it have to be this way? Most people don't realize I'm 45 and believe that my health and fitness lifestyle is my fountain of youth. Why is it that for most people, fitness fades fast after the age of 40? It is at this time in your life when your health/fitness should be a priority.

According to the study, research shows declines in fitness that accompany growing old typically speed up after the age of 45. My question ~ Why should it? As we age, we are more at risk for various health issues, however, diet & exercise are crucial to avoiding that as we age. So what gives?

If you are 40+, have health issues, taking pricey meds to treat symptoms, don't have a diet/exercise program you are following, ask yourself why not? You're never too old to start exercising and eating healthier. Doing nothing is like giving up on yourself, and not living a quality of life. Your health is your biggest asset. You can be abundant financially, relationally, spiritually, etc., but without your health, all that means nothing.
Would love to hear your comments on this so please, feel free to leave a comment below.

Article that inspired this blog: JAMA and Archives Journals (2009, October 30). Fitness Levels Decline With Age, Especially After 45. ScienceDaily. Retrieved November 1, 2009, from­ /releases/2009/10/091026161846.htm


  1. Health is wealth....Living a healthy life should be the priority of any human being,,,,The moment your health is in jeopardy, ALL OTHER THINGS will definitely fall apart!..we should nourish our bodies with good nutrition and earobic exercises on daily basis...YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT !!!

  2. Fitness declines only we we are inactive.I saw a recent study on 85 year olds.The group that were regularly active had double the three year survival rates of those who were not.Your health is your greatest wealth.
    Dr Joe

  3. Hi Dr. Joe
    Thank you for commenting on my blog. I think fitness declines as we age for those who never were fitness minded in the first place. A lot of this is a mindset. Too many people use the excuse "I'm too old". Look a Jack LaLanne. He's 95 and works out more than I do.



Your comments are welcome